Occupational Calling: Antecedents, Consequences and Mechanism

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D., School of Business Administration, National College of Business Administration & Economics, Lahore, Pakistan

2 Assistant Professor, School of Business Administration, National College of Business Administration & Economics, Lahore, Pakistan


Occupational calling is a transcendent summons that originates externally to carry out a particular life role (work) in a manner that demonstrates meaningfulness and holds other-oriented values and goals as the main sources of motivation. The aim of the current study is to advance the study of individual differences in achieving occupational calling at workplace. Every individual varies in the extent of his psychological capital, proactivity, and curiosity; hence we aim to investigate the role of these variables as the predictors of occupational calling. In addition to the antecedents and mechanisms, we also explore a possible behavioral manifestation of calling at workplace in terms of employees’ flourishing. Results are obtained from a heterogeneous sample using a time-lagged study design comprising of two waves. Significant linear relationships between study variables are established. Moderated mediation takes place between psychological capital and occupational calling through proactive personality and curiosity.


Main Subjects

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