How Should The Entrepreneurs OfSMEs In Iran Change Their Style In a Business Life Cycle


(Asso.ciate Professor, University of Tehran, Ira


Kambeiz Talebi, the author of the Article discusses the urgent needfor topmanagers to change their style in small entrepreneurial firms during a business
life cycle. Although most leadership theories assume that it is an easy task, but the case studies and practical experience suggest the opposite - managers find it hard to move from an innovative style when the company is young to taskoriented behavior in the firm's mature stage. If the steps aren't taken early
enough, severe crisis will be followed by an external CEO being called in. Talebi discovers that the reason why change in style is so difficult to achieve is
that everyone has overlooked the link between management style and the corporate system, structure and values. The corporate context itself must change
if managers are to be able to change their own styles effectively and smoothly.
