The Study of Relationship Between Work Teams and Favoring Knowledge Management(Case: Bank Keshavarzi)


1 Group manager of strategic studies of human capital in Bank Keshavarzi (agricultural Bank) of Iran

2 Assistant Professor, faculty of Management and Accounting, ShahidBeheshti University, Tehran, Iran

3 PhD Candidate, faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Iran


Knowledge management is a process that has been recently generated as an activity which is very important in the dynamic environment, and in the competitive scene. We believe that KM is a process which its organizational knowledge is created from the individual knowledge of the members of the organization. The relevant studies have indicated that organizing based on work teams could be considered a way to create the appropriate context for KM. However, this organizing based on work teams is not enough; it only has the necessary characteristics of the work teams that favor KM. Moreover, based on studies done, we distinguish which characteristics of work teams favor the KM process in its different phases (i.e. creation, transfer and integration). In this study, we conducted multiple regression and analysis of variance.
Complementary skills (H2) and a climate of trust (H3) in work teams were... .
