Designing Export Performance Model based on Organizational Orientations

Document Type : Research Paper


Faculty of Management and Economics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


This study extends prior researches by exploring the effect of organizational orientations on export performance. Building on the already extensive literature, we developed a model of relationship. A total of 120 usable questionnaires were received from the Iranian food industry SMEs. The results indicated that entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation and learning orientation positively impact export performance. Market orientation positively influences learning orientation. Furthermore, both market and learning orientation positively impact entrepreneurial orientation. Additionally, market orientation indirectly impacts export performance via entrepreneurial and learning performance. Learning orientation also indirectly impacts export performance via entrepreneurial orientation. Most empirical studies have been conducted in developed countries, rather than in developing countries. This is the first examination of the role of three organizational orientations in Iranian SMEs. This study is aimed at companies who wish to increase their performance. Managers can also enhance their chances of success by developing the different orientations.


Main Subjects

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