Factors Affecting Information Search Behavior in Purchasing an Outbound Package Tour: A Thematic Analysis

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


The present study seeks to examine the factors affecting information search of heads of households in purchasing an outbound package tour. A sample of 60 academics and non-academics in the field of tourism was chosen. Sampling methods were judgmental and snowball sampling. In order to gather data, we used a semi-structured interview.  Thematic analysis was applied for data analysis, and the collected data were codified and analyzed under four main categories. The findings showed that personality traits of heads of households, their preference for sole decision-making over collective decision-making, their motivation for providing family satisfaction, their motivation for taking better advantage of opportunities and their familiarity with the travel destination were among influencing personal factors. Familial demographic factors, social class, and family’s familiarity with the travel destination were among influencing familial factors. Situational factors included social factors, travel importance and time constraints; and travel agents factor encompassed their reliability.


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