A New Robust Bootstrap Algorithm for the Assessment of Common Set of Weights in Performance Analysis

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Statistics, Faculty of Sciences, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey


The performance of the units is defined as the ratio of the weighted sum of outputs to the weighted sum of inputs. These weights can be determined by data envelopment analysis (DEA) models. The inputs and outputs of the related (Decision Making Unit) DMU are assessed by a set of the weights obtained via DEA for each DMU. In addition, the weights are not generally common, but rather, they are very close to zero or they are even equal to zero. This means that some major criteria will not be considered. Another problem is the similarity of the efficiency scores of efficient DMUs. However, this is not the case in reality, and the performance of the DMUs should be completely ranked. Using common weights can solve these problems completely during measuring the performance of DMUs. There are some articles in the literature to determine common weight sets (CSWs), but none of them takes into account the bootstrap approach. This paper introduces a novel, empirical and robust algorithm based on bootstrapping technique to find CSWs.


Main Subjects

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