A Competency-based Typology of Technology Entrepreneurs: A Systematic Review of the Empirical Studies

Document Type : Research Paper


Faculty of Entrepreneurship, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Due to the importance of technology entrepreneurs’ competencies in the creation and development of technological businesses, a distinct stream of research has been dedicated to this subject. However, given the nature of suchlike studies, it is difficult to reach a common understanding of the competencies. In fact, there is a need to provide some systematization to achieve advancements in the field. A review of 87 articles indexed on Scopus about technology entrepreneurs indicates that competencies of technology entrepreneurs can be classified under three groups of technological competencies, entrepreneurial competencies, and managerial competencies. This classification is used for two purposes, namely to categorize the technology entrepreneurs based on their competencies and to recommend new venues of research to study technology entrepreneurs. This paper can help technology entrepreneurs develop their competencies. It will also be useful in identifying entrepreneurs, and in training and developing the competency of academic entrepreneurs, technology incubators, and accelerators.


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