The Relationship Structure Between Iranian NGOs and the Government

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Postdoctoral Researcher of Public Administration، Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran Iran


This study investigated the status of Iranian NGOs in the political-administrative and sociocultural context of Iran, using the grounded theory methodology. The data analysis in this method involves extracting categories from the data and then identifying the relationship between the categories. The data derived from semi-structured interviews indicated that the Iranian NGOs’ status is intertwined with the government’s policies. In this respect, the relationship structure between these two sectors is mapped at the macro level in a seesaw model, which revealed an asymmetrically balanced relationship. That is, while the relationship is in a critical and unfair situation (asymmetrical), the government is alive and holds power (balanced). However, the research findings demonstrated that all elements of society are capable of changing this critical situation and the unfair order of the country. Discovering the relationship structure between NGOs and government in a different context like Iran can open new horizons for policymakers and researchers around the world.


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