Qualitative Study to Propose Sustainable Human Resource Management Strategies and Related Consequences: Considering Strategic Stakeholders’ Theory

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Management, Yasooj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yasooj, Iran

2 Department of Management, Dana Non-profit Higher Education Institute, Yasooj, Iran

3 Department of Management, Gachsaran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Gachsaran, Iran


This paper proposes a model of sustainable human resource management (HRM) strategies and consequences by considering stakeholder theory. Qualitative research was conducted to answer research questions. This study uses a purposeful snowball sampling method to draw on in-depth interviews with 19 experts. Data were analyzed by three phases :open, central, and selective coding. The results categorize sustainable HRM strategies into four category of strategies relevant to employees (competence development, equality and diversity management, caring and support of employees, career planning, participation, work-life balance programs, ability to fulfill the psychological needs, and employees’ health and safety management); environment and public sustainable HRM strategies (green job design, green human resource planning, green selection and employment, green performance evaluation and encouragement system; green training, and availability of job opportunity for locals); economic sustainability strategies (overall quality management, commitment of senior management to economic sustainability, cost improvement system, equipment efficiency, process and work-flow standardization and re-engineering); and general strategies  regards to different stakeholders (conflict of interest management among different stakeholders, effective management of stakeholder support strategies, and considering stakeholders in decision-making). Moreover, the consequence of establishing stakeholder-oriented sustainable HRM is divided into four groups of individual level, environmental, organizational, and stakeholders relations consequences.


Main Subjects

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