Empirical Evidence: Comparing Innovation, Knowledge Sharing Behavior, Islamic Work Ethic and Entrepreneurial Orientation Between More Innovative and Less Innovative Public Sector Agent

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Syiah Kuala University, Darussalam, Banda Aceh, Indonesia

2 Department of Family Welfare Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Syiah Kuala University, Darussalam, Banda Aceh, Indonesia



This study attempts to compare innovative and less innovative agencies on innovative behavior, knowledge sharing behavior, Islamic work ethic and entrepreneurial orientation. Subsequently, data processing for the study adopts the use of the Dependent Sample T-test,  known as the Paired T-test. Results of the study proved that there are significant differences between the public sector in terms of innovative behavior, Islamic work ethic, and its dimensions, i.e., effort, cooperation, and moral responsibility. There is also a significant difference between more innovative and less innovative agencies in terms of entrepreneurial orientation and its dimensions, i.e., innovativeness and proactiveness. Nevertheless, there is no significant difference between more innovative agencies and less innovative agencies in terms of  knowledge-sharing behavior and its dimensions, i.e., knowledge donating and knowledge collecting. Likewise, one  of the dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation, i.e. risk taking, has no significant difference between more innovative and less innovative agencies.  Importantly, research findings provide a guideline for the government to find the solution of problem innovation in the public sector to improve service to society. Specifically, management support is very important in order to build a culture for knowledge sharing and a strong awareness among civil servants of the value of  Islamic work ethic. Managers are expected to be first in implementing entrepreneurial orientation. Subsequently, this empirical study is the first that examines the comparison between innovation, knowledge-sharing behavior, Islamic work ethics, and entrepreneurial orientation in public sector knowledge-sharing behavior, Islamic work ethics, and entrepreneurial orientation in the public sector, which is more innovative and less innovative.


Main Subjects

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