Exploring the Mindset of Doctoral Candidates at the University of Tehran: An Analysis from a Causal Layer Perspective

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Postdoctoral Researcher at Sharif University of Technology, Sharif Policy Research Institute, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Educational Administration and Planning, Faculty of Psychology and Education, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran Faculty of Psychology and Education, The University of Tehran,

3 Department of Educational Administration and Planning, Faculty of Psychology and Education, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

4 Department of Research and Assessment, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Tehran, Iran



The primary objective of this study was to examine how master's students perceive and think about pursuing doctoral studies at the University of Tehran (UT). The study utilized a qualitative case study method, focusing on causal layer analysis. All 22 doctoral candidates in the higher education field at UT were included in the study, using a full-census sampling method for interviews.  By adopting a future studies approach based on causal layer analysis, an examination was carried out to analyze the mental constructs of university students. This approach has four levels: litany, social causes, discourse/worldview, and myth/metaphor. From the analysis of university students' perceptions, four different scenarios were identified: self-development, a strong affinity for UT, utilitarian perspectives, and feelings of disappointment and academic decline. These scenarios were then reassessed using the four levels of causal layer analysis. The study's results illuminate the significant variety and differences in the mental frameworks of university students regarding their future academic goals. Consequently, understanding these mental frameworks is valuable for policymakers in higher education, university administrators, and families who play a role in influencing students' academic decision.


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