A dichotomous perceptions on talent retention factors: Phenomenography strategy

Document Type : Research Paper


Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


The purpose of this qualitative study is to explore the perception of managers and talents of perceived retention factors in the textile industry in Yazd province, Iran. In this regard, phenomenography is used to map the different perceptions of both talents and their managers. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 22 talented individuals who were selected according to an object-exclusive approach. Similarly, managers were chosen from eight different organizations. Data were transcribed and imported into MAXQDA10 software for analysis from which the identification of codes and descriptive categories were generated. The results of perception analysis of talents revealed 4 influential levels in talent retention that are individual, job, group, and organizational levels. Also, different perceptions of talents are categorized into 17 descriptive categories. The obtained results from the analysis of perceptions of managers depicted three influential levels that are individual, group, and organizational levels and their perceptions are categorized into 13 descriptive categories. The main difference between talents and managers’ perception is in factors affecting retention in jobs characteristics. Talented individuals consider autonomy, nature and feedback as desirable characteristics of their job. According to these levels and descriptive categories, two different “outcome spaces” are mapped.


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