Thriving at work is an emerging phenomenon in recent times, which is defined as a psychological state in which individuals experience both the senses of vitality and learning. Researchers and practitioners are looking for ways to enhance the employee’s thriving at work, because it is associated with behavioral outcomes. The objective of this study is to empirically investigate the impact of contextual factors including organizational support, fairness perception, supervisor support, and civility at workplace on the employee’s thriving at work. Furthermore, it also looks upon the impact of individual differences like proactive personality on the employee’s thriving. The empirical findings have been drawn through a survey questionnaire using purposive sampling technique from employees of different organizations. The study discusses the results and draws several insights on the employee’s thriving at the workplace. The study also provides implication for theory and practice. Limitations and future research directions have also been discussed.
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Mushtaq, M. , , Abid, G. , , Sarwar, K. , and Ahmed, S. . "Forging Ahead: How to Thrive at the Modern Workplace", Interdisciplinary Journal of Management Studies (Formerly known as Iranian Journal of Management Studies), 10, 4, 2017, 783-818. doi: 10.22059/ijms.2017.235409.672704
Mushtaq, M., Abid, G., Sarwar, K., Ahmed, S. (2017). 'Forging Ahead: How to Thrive at the Modern Workplace', Interdisciplinary Journal of Management Studies (Formerly known as Iranian Journal of Management Studies), 10(4), pp. 783-818. doi: 10.22059/ijms.2017.235409.672704
M. Mushtaq , G. Abid , K. Sarwar and S. Ahmed, "Forging Ahead: How to Thrive at the Modern Workplace," Interdisciplinary Journal of Management Studies (Formerly known as Iranian Journal of Management Studies), 10 4 (2017): 783-818, doi: 10.22059/ijms.2017.235409.672704
Mushtaq, M., Abid, G., Sarwar, K., Ahmed, S. Forging Ahead: How to Thrive at the Modern Workplace. Interdisciplinary Journal of Management Studies (Formerly known as Iranian Journal of Management Studies), 2017; 10(4): 783-818. doi: 10.22059/ijms.2017.235409.672704