The Role of Social Support, Affective Commitment, and Passion for Work on Turnover Intentions: A Study on Women Bankers

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of General Management and Information System, Chittagong Independent University, Bangladesh

2 Department of Business Administration, International Islamic University Chittagong, Bangladesh


Drawing on the Social Exchange Theory (SET), the present study aimed to determine the factors underlying the association between workplace social support and female bankers’ intention to quit. To this end, the study adopted a moderating-mediating model to measure the turnover intentions of 361 female employees of private commercial banks (PCBs) using time-lagged data. The findings revealed that affective commitment fully mediated the association between coworker support and turnover intentions, while it partially mediated the relationship between supervisory support and the intention to leave. Further, passion for work moderated the relationship between affective commitment and turnover intentions. This study contributes to the literature by exploring the role of workplace social support, affective commitment, and passion for work on the turnover intentions of female bankers. The results may help policymakers and practitioners formulate effective policies to retain and promote women in the banking sector.  


Main Subjects

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